How We Do One Thing Is How We Do Everything

amplifi clarifi simplifi Nov 07, 2020

Are there parts of your day, week, month, or year that you simply can't stand, but you tough it out for the greater good or the love of your job? 

When I was a principal, my introverted self hated parts of the job. Mostly, I winced at anything that required me to be the focal point.

My stomach twisted every year when asked to give a graduation address, but I refused to focus on the cringe of delivering a speech to a couple of thousand people. I was determined to make It the best speech ever and represent our school in a way that made everyone proud to be part of it.

I'd endure these moments.

Certainly, a less than a positive mindset until my eyes were widened with a more encouraging lens from Dean Graziosi, who articulated a new approach so clearly: how you do one thing is how you do everything.

As long as it doesn't violate our values, we should try to be the best in the world at it. No matter what we're doing, even if we can't stand it, we need to realize it isn't forever and be amazing at it.

Every task holds within it an opportunity to be a momentum-maker or a momentum-breaker (John Maxwell), for us as individuals and the people in our wake.

Picking up that piece of trash in the hall.

Decluttering our inbox.

Carrying our own good weather into a difficult meeting.

How we do one thing, is how we do everything ... and it's a contagious lead domino to grow an incredible culture of momentum-makers.

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